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Noscasi AB

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784 44 Borlänge


Tommy Isaksson
Spain: +34 693230775
Sweden: +46 (0)70 5220809

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15 Reasons Why Being Abroad Will Make You Smarter

It really isn’t a surprise that most young people these days have an ambition to travel the world and get familiar with new cultures and places. We are all exposed to a very specific multicultural environment, merely by being a part of various online communities and active internet users. There is hardly a chance that you’ve never run into a photo of a beautiful, far away country and got the desire to pack your bags and just get going.

Still, moving for business or education purposes, for longer periods of time can seem scary to a lot of people. It is a big move to relocate to a completely unfamiliar environment, and not everyone has what it takes to just get up and move. This is actually a big waste since the benefits of living abroad are numerous and significant. It makes the person richer for a very significant experience. There are numerous studies that show how experiencing life in a different country can make a person smarter, wittier and more charismatic. Let’s see what some of those benefits are.

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La delegada municipal de Educación, Esther García, ha asistido esta mañana al Complejo Educativo Asistencial Pili Varo de Afanas El Puerto y Bahía en Rota, que ha recibido al personal docente procedente de Suecia, que durante una semana realizará in intercambio educativo con profesionales del centro. Esta actividad se lleva a cabo gracias al programa Erasmus Plus, un proyecto de la Unión Europea que facilita el intercambio entre profesionales de Educación Especial.

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NEWSPAPER Pili Varo, Rota exchange with Sweden

El "Pili Varo" recibe a seis profesionales suecos con quienes intercambiarán experiencias y modos de trabajo

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We have got a request from a school in Seville in south of Spain that they are interested of a project with a Swedish school (and maybe more countries). There students are about 16 years old. So for Sweden it should be year 9 of lower secondary school or 1-2 at the upper secondary school.

The school is placed at the town centre which is one of the best and most beautiful places in Seville and all the students live around. This is one of the best high schools (I.E.S.) in Seville and in Andalucía.

All the teachers in the English department are very interested in working on an Erasmus+ project. The students has a high level of English and families are really interested in having their children in an exchange project.

If you are interested, please send a note to


Estudiantes suecos llegan a Rota para hacer sus prácticas en empresas locales

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